Did you know the first International Women’s Day was held in 1911? Initially first honoured and recognised in just four European countries, (Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland) the movement has grown globally and over the years has campaigned for a variety of different specific causes – but all towards the overriding aim to campaign for greater parity and equality in all aspects of life and in all countries.

Amazingly, in the workplace women still make up only 5 or 6% of leaders of FTSE 100 companies; in the US only 7.5% of Fortune 500 companies are led by women – both figures barely unchanged over the last 5 years. Within the world of politics there has been perhaps a little more progress and hopefully this will filter through the rest of society. Let’s hope we have much greater progress in the coming years, for all our sakes.

Simon Moore

#women #genderequality #iwd2021 #choosetochallange #society #womensequalityday #equalityintheworkplace